Kabbalistic Healing Seminar Series
Kabbalistic Healing Seminar Series Invitation
Today is the FIRST Day
of the Rest of Your Life!!!
You are invited to ... Take control of your Destiny, align with your Soul's Purpose and reconnect to your Life's Mission.
If you want:
Peace of Mind
Harmonious Relationships
Optimal Health
Abundant Energy
Freedom from Limiting Beliefs & Behaviors
Personal Power
Financial Freedom
.........and the Sacred
Then I am your man!
I AM Mordechai David Naseck, an internationally known teacher, healer, Shaman, Kabbalist, Yogi, Mystic, Reiki Master and holistic health and business consultant, well-known for facilitating life-changing experiences.
I have the ability to pinpoint and help dissolve obstacles to your success in all areas of your life. Having presented at the world's top spas, retreats and wellness centers, I have assisted thousands in manifesting their spiritual essence in the here and now. The time to stop settling for anything less is now. YOU DESERVE IT. This is every soul's birthright!! Imagine your heart full of love, ready to give and receive. In this pre-recorded Seminar Series I will be offering to you the wisdom I’ve accumulated over decades of intense study on many continents.
This Seminar Series is for you IF...
- you want optimal health and well being
- you want to experience longevity and vitality
- you are seeking your Life's Purpose and Soul's Mission
- you want to learn the art of manifestation
- you want to improve the quality of your relationships
- you want to attract healthy, aware, conscious, beautiful, radiant, loving and responsible people into your life
- you prefer being tapped on the head with a feather rather than a sledge hammer as you learn the lessons life is teaching
- you attained material success and are seeking something beyond what you've already experienced
- you are seeking a spiritual path
- you want to grow in a whole new way
- you want to become a beacon of light for all of humanity
- you are seeking conscious awakening
- you want to express yourself in truth with integrity
- you want to act from a place of love, trust and safety
- you'd like to lead your life from your heart and have peace of mind
- you enjoy like minded/ hearted folks
- you hold a vision for global consciousness and peace
- you want to feel close to G-d
Purchase my Kabbalistic Healing Seminar Series and allow me to share the knowledge, insights, tools, and practical applications that I have successfully used with myself and others resulting in a healthy, authentic, inspired, and integrated spiritual life. My clients and students pay thousands to work with me privately and now I offer you these teachings and insights so you can experience what the ancient ones, mystics, and sages embraced. In this Seminar Series I share with you all you need to know to walk a spiritually~focused, heart~centered journey, every day of your life with ease, grace, compassion, joy, freedom and peace.
Kabbalistic Healing is going into an altered state of consciousness, past the mind, beyond the subconscious mind, into the deepest level of the heart, through the layer of personality, where the soul/spirit/essence resides. The alchemical blend of mantras, prayers, and energy rooted in Kabbalah is the vehicle (Merkabah) used to create an altered state, which is the portal of healing. You will have the opportunity to learn different practices and meditations that the sages speak of, which can facilitate healing of the body, the mind, the heart, the soul and the spirit, as I share concepts, knowledge and stories. My prayer is that each of you will have a direct experience of the Divine in your body. more....
What if I already have a spiritual path or religion that I follow?
Just as any person of any faith or tradition can practice Yoga, the same is true with these practices of Kabbalah that I will be sharing. more.....
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about. Ideas, language, even the phrase 'each other' doesn't make any sense. ~Rumi
Here's a breakdown of what you'll receive when you click to purchase this course...
*4 hours of audio recordings, covering our three weeks of instruction on many aspects of Kabbalistic Healing and three lengthy question and answer periods.
*3+ additional hours of BONUS audio from candid inside interviews and teachings that will be recorded with some of my favorite people in the world of Kabbalah ~ one (whose spiritual quest led him to Jerusalem and became a Rabbi and Scribe) shares his love for Torah, Kabbalah, meditation, storytelling and music. This 1st guest luminary became a great Rabbi after reading the book Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yoganada.
My 2nd guest luminary is a great Rabbi, Kabbalist, Author and scholar in the fields of comparative mysticism and the World's Wisdom Traditions at Naropa University.
Our 3rd guest luminary is a Master of spirituality and a Hay House Author whose newly released book is a best seller in Canada.
Scroll down to learn more about the BONUS Guest Speakers...
*Learn techniques that the Sages of the Ages used to wipe out plagues and facilitate miraculous healing.
*Tools, Visuals, Diagrams, Articles And more! For more course details, keep reading ...
*Join me now and listen to the series at your convenience on your iPod, iPad, iPhone, Android or MP3 player at home or anywhere you like.
Click here to PURCHASE NOW.
Allow Mordechai David to help you...
- Clear blocks that may be holding you back from living your soul’s purpose
- Strengthen your connection to the Divine, so that you are receiving clear guidance
- Become confident in yourself and discover your unique gifts and talents
- Open to receive all of the love, blessings, and abundance that are always available
- Clear known or hidden limiting beliefs that may be keeping you from truly shining with the Divine's beauty
- Communicate effectively and express yourself, in relationship, leading, teaching, and even in self-healing
- Fully step into your role as a teacher, leader, healer, mother, father, son, daughter, lover
- Be a more effective teacher, leader, healer, grandma, grandpa, boss, lover
- Learn to stay in alignment, even during difficult situations
- Discover what others are really needing, despite what they may be saying
Praise for Mordechai David Naseck's work...
"I hold in esteem the refined qualities of character in a person over their certificates and personal claims. Mark Naseck is a modest and humble man; a vehicle ready to be of service."Tele-Seminar Benefits...
In my first-ever Tele-Seminar Series I will be revealing what I share with clients I have worked with at the world's finest spas & resorts, ocean-liners, ashrams, conferences and expos, divulging many of the tools that I have gathered and developed.
Clients invest up to $25,000 or $444 per hour to work with me one-on-one in transforming their lives in the areas of business, relationships, inner growth, health, nutrition, yoga, meditation, healing, spirituality, and rites of passage. Some of my clients have gone on to be teachers, healers, instructors, spa / resort entrepreneurs, and others have remained in very powerful and prestigious positions in the business world and entertainment industry that allow them to bring who they have become, and the fruits of their inner work to very large and prominent circles. From their sphere of influence these clients are creating life-enhancing changes and touching the hearts of millions of people.
I will be handing over to you years of information and knowledge that I have acquired traveling around the globe seeking truth, healing, and diverse ways of connecting to the heights of consciousness, and self / God realization. I will also share from the place of personal inner experience as a result of putting this knowledge into practice.
My goal is to demystify the process of experiencing the Mystical. I'm gonna hold your hand and make this fun! I'll give you the tools I've come to depend on myself after countless hours spent in the trenches ~ all the tools you need, straight to your computer and/or MP3 player. You'll be able to follow along in the comfort of your own home. In this course we'll take a detailed, behind-the-scenes look into how the Masters, Sages, and Enlightened Ones achieved all that they have.
Through my teachings and sharings you will receive healing, insight and ah-ha's beginning with the FIRST SESSION! As a result, your own inner flame of passion will get ignited -- you will feel motivated and on fire which manifests in having more energy ... and I'm sure you can think of some amazing things you'd like to do if you had more energy!!!!
Spirituality can seem daunting, and maybe that's why you haven't yet fully jumped onboard your personal path. If it's fear that’s slowing you down, you're not alone. That's a topic I've spoken and thought a lot about, and this course will help you overcome those common fears.
I have witnessed many people's lives transformed by the miraculous on a daily basis. It's important to take action if you are seeking to make a change. This could be the opportunity of your life. This could also be another missed opportunity. Everything happens as a result of either LOVE or FEAR. Let participating in this Tele-Seminar be a gift of LOVE to yourself.
This type of training is worth thousands of dollars in private sessions. Because of my busy schedule I may not be offering this again. So as Nike preaches, DO IT NOW!!

Dr. Jonathan Ellerby
Seminar Series requirements...
The only thing you need to bring to this Tele-Seminar is your open mind and heart.
"If five people meet together to seek for truth, they must first begin by cutting themselves free from all their own special conditions and renouncing all preconceived notions; an open, receptive mind is essential. If our chalice is full of self, there is no room in it for the water of life. The fact that we imagine ourselves to be right and everybody else wrong is the greatest of all obstacles in the path towards unity, and unity is necessary if we would reach truth, for truth is one..."
~'Abdu'l-Baha, Founder of the Baha'i Faith
The time is NOW...
Healing can happen in a moment.
Give yourself the gift of LOVE TODAY!!
"Until one is committed there is the chance to draw back; always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation) there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: That the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would not otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance which no man would have dreamed would come his way. I learned a deep respect for one of Goethe's couplets:
'Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it!
Boldness has genius, magic, and power in it. Begin it now!'
~ W.H. Murray, "The Scottish Himalayan Expedition" and Goethe quote
Congratulations for giving yourself the gift of nurturance, expanded consciousness, and healing of body, mind, heart and soul.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
I am confident that your choosing this Tele-Seminar IS that step. Make this the first day of the rest of your consciously evolved life.
* By pressing the Submit Order button on the checkout page I declare that I have read, understand and accept the terms as stated in this website's terms of use.